Working Together To Support Learning
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Friday, September 20

10:00am CEST

AGIS PYP Coordinators Working Group Pre-Conference
Friday September 20, 2024 10:00am - 5:00pm CEST
In this session, Primary Years Programme Coordinators (PYPC) will discuss the latest enhancements regarding the IB Primary Years Programme. There will be other topics where PYPCs will share their pedagogy and practices to enhance their school's implementation of the program. The agenda includes collaborative discussions on effective teaching methodologies, innovative approaches to inquiry-based learning. Additionally, PYP Coordinators will have the opportunity to exchange insights on curriculum alignment, assessment practices, and ways to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
10:00 – 11:00  
Welcome / Introductions / Reflections from last academic year /
Where are we in our schools? / What do we want to achieve?

11:00 – 12:00  
Q&A Session with Pascal Ashkar | Senior IB World School Manager

12:00 - 13:00     Lunch

13:00 – 13:30  
AGIS PYPC Group’s TEAMS / Technical help on how to use it

13:30 – 14:00  
Working on the Shared Drive folders
(How do we want to organize / What kind of information to share? / Working on the folders, documents)

14:00 – 15:00 
Face to Face Meeting preps : Agenda creation / Guest speaker suggestions

15:00 - 15:30    Coffee Break 

15:30 – 17:00  
avatar for Carolyn Henry

Carolyn Henry

LS Vice Principal and PYP Coordinator, International School of Ulm/Neu-Ulm
avatar for Merve Korkmaz

Merve Korkmaz

Deputy Assistant Principal / PYP Coordinator, Intl School Stuttgart eV
Friday September 20, 2024 10:00am - 5:00pm CEST
Saturday, September 21

9:45am CEST

Attachment Patterns in the Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
Attachment theory explores our fundamental relations between people, based on our relationships with our primary caregivers. In this session we will learn about attachment styles and how they impact children’s behaviour. We will explore why this is so important for human survival, what behaviours to look out for in classrooms and provide participants with practical skills teachers can use in class.
avatar for Zoe Andrews

Zoe Andrews

School Counsellor & Mental Health Counsellor, ISH
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

11:15am CEST

ACE: A model for IBDP Inclusion
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
What challenges do IBDP students face when it comes to accessing the curriculum? Do they feel supported in the pursuit of their individual academic goals?

At BBIS, our Grade 11 and 12 academic support model, known to students as the 'Academic Center for Excellence', was born from our efforts to reflect on these questions.

The ACE programme gives all Grade 11 and 12 students access to:
- One-on-one academic coaching with subject and inclusion specialists
- Workshops designed to help students fill skills gaps
- A growing collection of resources
- Leadership opportunities (student-led study groups)
- Enhanced teaching and learning through co-teaching.

We connected with educators from around the world, including the AGIS community, in the design and implementation of the ACE programme. We think AGIS is the perfect place to share what we have learned along the way— successes, lessons learned, and ongoing refinements.
avatar for Mandy Watson

Mandy Watson

Secondary Inclusion Specialist, Berlin Brandenburg International School
Please talk to me about learning and teaching, neuroscience competition for students and parkrun!

Juliet Buckler

Secondary EAL & LS Coordinator (9-12), Berlin Brandenburg International School

Kasia Szurmiak

Secondary School Teacher & Learning Support Coordinator (Grade 11 - 12), BBIS
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Teaching Musical Literacy - A Sound to Symbol Approach
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
In this session, I aim to share and discuss activities to foster students' internalisation of musical literacy elements encompassing reading, writing, and performance aspects of music. We will explore effective strategies for crafting a new learning goal, investigate methods to reinforce these objectives through kinesthetic and visual activities, and then introduce notation elements. While the primary focus is on strategies applicable to primary education, these approaches can be seamlessly adapted for secondary education or choir practice. This session caters to music and choir teachers and extends its relevance to homeroom teachers involved in teaching musical literacy skills.

Rogerio Scheidemantel

Performing Arts Teacher, International School of Bremen
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Strength Based Model of implementation for embracing cognitive, social and emotional diversities
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
This session will demonstrate how Student Support Team at Berlin Metropolitan School operationalizes the strength based model, composed of four components: theory of multiple intelligence, positive psychology, positive psychiatry and vectors of development based on the Stanford Neurodiversity Project (Fung, 2023) as a model applied in educational settings.
avatar for Aristea Mastoraki

Aristea Mastoraki

Head of Student Support - Secondary School, Berlin Metropolitan School gGmbH
I have lived all my life outside of my passport country and have graduated myself from an international school as well. I have started my career as an IB psychology teacher and slowly after more studies and my licensure, I have started working as a counsellor and in student support.I... Read More →
avatar for Natascha Dorow

Natascha Dorow

Sec. School Counselor / Child Protection Officer
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Best practices for teaching and assessing in Language B
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
The Language B course in the Diploma Programme allows for a broad scope of potential
approaches in terms of course design, learning experiences and assessment, with no single best practice as such. The presenters of this workshop have spent numerous hours discussing how to structure and teach the course, and they have identified certain strategies that they believe are integral to an effective Language B course. The aim of this workshop is to share these “best practices” with participants, along with the thought processes that went into identifying them. These are of course suggestions only, and we are keen to hear interesting ideas that have worked well for others, so participants are encouraged to bring their own resources and suggestions along to share.
avatar for Matthew Lane

Matthew Lane

Academic Learning Leader - Language B, Leipzig International School
I teach EAL, English Language B and TOK at Leipzig International School. I am the Academic Learning Leader for Language B in the secondary school which encompasses EAL, GAL, French and Spanish. I am also the EAL coordinator across the primary and secondary schools.

Lindsay Raggett

Secondary EAL/English Teacher, Leipzig International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Creating Inviting and Supportive Environments in the Early Years
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
Our learning spaces provide great opportunities to extend learning, develop relationships, and create safe and secure feelings for our youngest learners. How these spaces are created has a big impact on student engagement and interactions. We will be looking at what goes into creating the best environments for our early years (any beyond) spaces.
avatar for Laura Venezia

Laura Venezia

Kindergarten Principal, Leipzig International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
Sunday, September 22

9:00am CEST

Exploring Various Co-Teaching Models
Sunday September 22, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CEST
At the International School of Stuttgart, we are looking towards increased collaboration through team teaching, especially as we transition into our new building. However, during the past few years, the upper school mathematics department have already been piloting different forms of co-teaching models, such as lead-support, team teaching, parallel teaching and circuit teaching. Please do join the two of us as we share our experience of co-teaching with you all.
avatar for Jeonghoon Choi

Jeonghoon Choi

MYP/DP Mathematics Teacher & Subject Coordinator, Intl School of Stuttgart e.V.
Subject coordinator for Mathematics department at International School of Stuttgart e.V.MYP and DP mathematics teacher.IB MYP/DP workshop leader
avatar for Adam Sahib

Adam Sahib

MYP/DP Mathematics Teacher, Intl School Stuttgart eV
I'm a Canadian math teacher who also enjoys teaching TOK and service learning initiatives in general. I love traveling and learning about different cultures, which has led me to teach in Canada, Morocco, USA and now Germany. I would enjoy talking about anything, be it about education... Read More →
Sunday September 22, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CEST

10:15am CEST

A STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) Approach to Exploring Human Migration
Sunday September 22, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CEST
What’s my story? Whose stories matter? In this interactive course, we will engage with data and art to take a deep dive into the complexities of human migration. Using various Project Zero Thinking Routines and aspects of making, we will explore the perspectives of a world on the move as well as look for connections to our own classroom practices. By turning our attention to student voices and their diverse perspectives, we can build empathy and consider the interdisciplinary intersections that arise.

Emily Veres

School teacher
Sunday September 22, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CEST

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