In 2021, CIS introduced the Deep Dive re-accreditation pathway, enabling schools to focus on their strategic priorities by designing projects focused on one of three core areas for development: Learning, Well-being, and Global Citizenship. The initial cohorts of schools re-accredited through this pathway have embraced the opportunity to effect relevant change that impacts their communities in ways that matter.
Join us to discover insights from Deep Dive schools on how this choice and flexibility in international accreditation is transforming their institutions. Additionally, get a sneak peek at how
choice and other key principles will shape the new CIS International Accreditation Framework, set to launch next year.
Learning Objectives: During this session, participants will:
- Understand how the Deep Dive re-accreditation pathway has enabled schools to implement meaningful changes in Learning, Well-being, or Global Citizenship.
- Understand how choice and other key principles underpin the forthcoming redesign of the CIS International Accreditation Framework.