A series of interactive activities that ignite creativity, build teamwork, and solidify key business concepts. Help your students to work together to problem solve and understand key quantitative tools from the Business Management course.
Supercharge your starters by learning about the connections game. Get up and active and make decision trees out of PE equipment. Use Lego to demonstrate the different types of production methods. Problem solve and help a company that accidentally shredded their final accounts! Piece them back together in the right order and categories. Use the sweet side of capacity utilisation to physically and deliciously use this tool and if there’s time have a brain break with a solid game of tri-dominoes.
With a new syllabus and over 30,000 Business Management students worldwide, now is the perfect time to add some new methods to your teacher toolkit. It would be a great opportunity to network and establish some solid connections for Business Management within the AGIS network for moderation of IA’s and the sharing of resources.