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Saturday, September 21

8:30am CEST

Keynote Speaker - "Camera!"
Saturday September 21, 2024 8:30am - 9:30am CEST

Ed Kirwan

Empathy Week
Saturday September 21, 2024 8:30am - 9:30am CEST
Kongress Saal (Congress Hall)

9:45am CEST

5 Instant Ways to Build a Culture of Conceptual Thinking in Your Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
Come and take away 5 instant ways you can build conceptual thinking in your classroom. Through sign language, ‘See Think Wonders’, read alouds, UOI wall ideas and end of unit reflections, you can edit your classroom and supplement your curriculum to increase conceptual thinking from EY-Grade 5.
avatar for Sarah Kloha

Sarah Kloha

PYP Coordinator, FIS
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Attachment Patterns in the Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
Attachment theory explores our fundamental relations between people, based on our relationships with our primary caregivers. In this session we will learn about attachment styles and how they impact children’s behaviour. We will explore why this is so important for human survival, what behaviours to look out for in classrooms and provide participants with practical skills teachers can use in class.
avatar for Zoe Andrews

Zoe Andrews

School Counsellor & Mental Health Counsellor, ISH
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Business Management Bootcamp
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
A series of interactive activities that ignite creativity, build teamwork, and solidify key business concepts. Help your students to work together to problem solve and understand key quantitative tools from the Business Management course.

Supercharge your starters by learning about the connections game. Get up and active and make decision trees out of PE equipment. Use Lego to demonstrate the different types of production methods. Problem solve and help a company that accidentally shredded their final accounts! Piece them back together in the right order and categories. Use the sweet side of capacity utilisation to physically and deliciously use this tool and if there’s time have a brain break with a solid game of tri-dominoes.

With a new syllabus and over 30,000 Business Management students worldwide, now is the perfect time to add some new methods to your teacher toolkit. It would be a great opportunity to network and establish some solid connections for Business Management within the AGIS network for moderation of IA’s and the sharing of resources.
avatar for Kerry Frazer

Kerry Frazer

Secondary Business Teacher, Leipzig International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Economy of the Common Good & Sustainability
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
We would like to share our experience with the model of “Economy of the Common Good” and the value of such an economic model. We’ll share how a school with the help of an economic model can contribute to a culture of good living in a peaceful and sustainable civilization.
We’ll also talk about how to make the matrix of the model easily accessible and comparable to other ECG accredited companies, as well as how it leads us to a better understanding of the community.

Extra comment: Manuela is also happy to give this presentation during a pre-conference on Fri (instead of Sat/Sun) in case there will be a pre-conference in this area.
avatar for Manuela Prinz

Manuela Prinz

Manager Facility Management, International School Augsburg
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Fostering Nationwide Collaboration: Challenges and Solutions for Minority Language A Teachers
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
Are you a lone wolf in your school's language department? Join this collaborative session tailored for educators of minority language A courses, or DP Self-taught coordinators who support and guide external language teachers. As the sole DP Japanese A teacher at my school, the absence of a moderation team has been posing unique challenges during the exam season. This one-hour session aims to bring together educators facing similar circumstances to discuss shared issues and co-create solutions.
During our interactive session, we will delve into the challenges of moderating exams solo and explore strategies to ensure fair and accurate exams. Participants will have the opportunity to share experiences, exchange ideas, and establish connections with fellow teachers, fostering a supportive network that extends beyond schools. The focus will also be on navigating GDPR-compliant data-sharing practices, ensuring the secure collaboration of exam materials.
Join us to transform the obstacles of solo moderation into opportunities for nationwide collaboration, ensuring a richer educational experience for both teachers and students alike.
avatar for Aki Schwan

Aki Schwan

Teacher, Bavarian International School
Aki Schwan is an EAL and Japanese teacher, dedicated to helping students excel in both international school curricula and their native language development. Currently, Aki teaches DP Japanese A Language & Literature and will be introducing Japanese Ab Initio in 2025-26. As the DP... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Ice-breakers and Group exercises from the world of Improvisational Comedy: Lessons from the School of Fun
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
Creating positive, playful connections within a group motivates and energizes a class to collaborate with trust. Improv Comedy is based on principles of 'group-mind' where everyone works and plays together under an agreed-upon set of rules. This workshop involves actively playing a selection of 'easy-to-learn, easy-to-teach' exercises inspired by the comedy improv mind-set that can be used in the classroom to create rapport, challenge focusing skills and enliven the playful connections between students.
These Ice-breakers and Group Exercises can be used (with adaptations) with students of all ages. Based on Viola Spolin´s seminal exercises in the classroom, theories of Applied Improv and 'Short-form Improvisational Comedy' performance techniques, these games/exercises thrive on soft-skill communication techniques that encourage risk-taking and finding the freedom in creative play where there is no 'right' or 'wrong'; it´s a recognition of the creative child within us who still wants to play and of the teacher´s task of empowering students to connect to each other in non-judgemental ways.
The workshop includes a short discussion addressing the challenges in encouraging reticent students to 'let loose', tools and cuing to control exuberance and how to rein energy in at the end, so that students can focus on the tasks ahead.
avatar for Brian Kapell

Brian Kapell

Secondary Drama Teacher, Berlin International School
Before teaching Secondary School Drama at Berlin International School, Brian had a long history in professional theater and comedy improvisation performance and production. As a founding member of ComedySportz in 1985, he co-created 'short-form' improvisational comedy format that... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Improve student engagement in IGCSE STEM
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
I will discuss the challenges we have encountered, which you may have also faced, regarding students in your class who may not be STEM-driven. I will share ways to enhance their engagement in classroom activities. Additionally, we will participate in an activity aimed at developing lab writing skills.

Ana Abreu

Teacher of Physics, International School of Bremen
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

NEASC - Unleashing Potential: Empowering Student Autonomy and Engagement Through Evidenced Learning
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
Autonomy and engagement are paramount in unlocking student potential. This workshop explores the transformative power of evidenced learning, where students take the lead in their educational journey, engage deeply, and proudly showcase their growth.

Participants will explore dynamic approaches to assessment and reflection that cultivate autonomy and ignite a passion for learning. Through hands-on activities, collaborative discussions, and practical insights, educators will discover how to foster a culture where students drive their learning experiences and demonstrate their achievements authentically.

avatar for Sharyn Skrtic

Sharyn Skrtic

Sharyn Skrtic is an International Accreditation Leader for the Commission on International Education at the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). In this role, her focus is on supporting schools using the NEASC/IB Collaborative Learning Protocol (CLP). She has held... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Nurturing Positivity: Effective Coaching Strategies for Fostering a Positive School Environment
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
In this workshop, educators will explore coaching strategies to cultivate a positive school environment crucial for fostering teacher growth, academic success, and overall well-being. Tailored coaching techniques will empower teachers by creating supportive relationships, effective communication, and collaborative problem-solving. Drawing upon my coaching and teaching experience, practical examples and activities will be shared. The goal is to equip participants with actionable strategies seamlessly integrated into teaching practices, fostering a positive, inclusive, enriching and supportive school environment. Join us in unlocking coaching's potential to inspire positivity and drive collective success within our educational community.

Craig Murray

Elementary Coordinator, International School of Bremen
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Power(ful)Point(less) – Tips, Reflections and Failures with Digital Presentation in Education
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
A self-confessed PowerPoint addict invites you to explore and consider how we present information
to learners; how to do it better, how to do it differently and (whisper it) how to do it less. We’ll briefly explore how a 30+ year old form of business software and its imitators came to dominate so many of our classrooms, share our experiences and consider some alternative approaches with a sense of humour and open minds.
avatar for Scott Eveleigh

Scott Eveleigh

Upper School Science Teacher, Thuringia International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Practical approaches to support executive functions in the classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
In this session we will talk about how teachers can support the development of executive skills in the mainstream classroom. We will discuss strategies to teach students how to plan their work and follow through with their plan. The session is aimed at teachers for Middle School and High School students.
We will try to answer the following questions:
- Can we expect students to plan and take responsibility?
- How can teachers develop planning skills in the everyday classroom?
- How to activate students and enable student ownership?
- How to create an environment where students can focus more easily?
- How to implement UDL routines that are beneficial for all students (and yourself as teacher)?
avatar for Els Daemen

Els Daemen

School teacher, Bonn International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Self-Regulation In The Early Years: Redefining misbehaviours
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
Early childhood educators have profound effects on children to enable them to explore and grow their capabilities by creating the relationships and experiences during early childhood years. During the session we will be reflecting upon how we realign educator(adult)-child relationships for a positive change. To do so we will be asking new sets of questions about behaviours of children by considering and learning the Self-Regulation (Self Reg) Framework.
The Self Reg framework guides us to understand the role of stress and stressors on behaviours and brain body connection. We will untangle stress behaviour and misbehaviour and then share some strategies to support children to manage behaviours and reactions to the feelings and things happening around them.
avatar for Stela Haralala

Stela Haralala

Assistant Principal Kindergarten, Leipzig International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Speaking Up - The Art of Effective Feedback
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
Learn proven strategies for constructive communication and navigating challenging interactions.
Elevate your professional and personal relationships, where interactive exercises and real-world scenarios offer a transformative learning experience.
Unleash your potential for clear, confident, and impactful communication!
avatar for Samuel Vink

Samuel Vink

Activities Director, International School of Hamburg
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Teaching Sewing in the Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
This class is designed to give students a chance to practice sewing by hand, using embroidery thread and embroidery needles. The class will start by practicing two stitches and participants will then apply the sewing techniques to either a purse, pocket kitty, or small stuffy, using felt and embroidery thread. Sewing allows students to focus on concentration, fine motor coordination, technique, and design creation.
avatar for Marsha Lenz

Marsha Lenz

Grade 1 Teacher, ISH
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

The 'Love and Logic' Approach
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
Using the 'Love and Logic' approach to promote positive, respectful relationships between children and adults in your school. "The Love and Logic Approach teaches adults a range of skills that support the development of positive, supportive, and respectful relationships with children. Joyce and Chris have used these resources to support teachers, parents, and children over many years, with families of different cultures and religions and in several countries.

The 5 key principles of Love and Logic are:

Mutual Dignity - Love and Logic believes that mutual respect and dignity are critical for teaching children how to treat others.

Shared Control - Power struggles between parents and children are fundamentally about control. When we try to exert control over others, we lose it, but when we share control, we can gain it.

Shared Thinking - Enabling children to think about the consequences of their choices is a lifelong gift. By sharing the thinking process with them, they learn how to think on their own and solve their own problems at an early age.

Sincere Empathy -When we respond to children with anger and frustration, they will respond with defensiveness and defiance. When we respond with empathy, there is a much better chance that we will encourage them to think about their behaviors and consequences. Nothing works without empathy!

Loving Relationships - By following these principles parents will naturally develop a loving and mutually respectful relationship with their children. Kids learn to see their parents as both powerful and loving, and they are much more likely to grow up and become respectful, responsible adults.

avatar for Joyce Larson

Joyce Larson

Preschool Coordinator/Assistant Principal, Dresden International School
avatar for Chris Boreham

Chris Boreham

Primary Principal & Deputy Director, Dresden International School
Primary Principal and Deputy Director, Dresden International School. 34 years as an educator on 4 continents.
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

The story of a Global Changemaker Program: Pursuing Personal Passions to Action
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST
Students identify their strengths and passions. This allows them to connect to others and their community at different levels. In doing so, they are able to find their place to belong at the local level as well as on a global stage. Participants in this workshop will familiarize themselves with a set of tools and frameworks that can be used in their classrooms for student learning and projects. These may include the Sustainability Compass and Iceberg from Compass Education, Empathy to Impact from Inspire Citizens, and our own planning frameworks that we have created to fit our needs at our school.
avatar for Christina Bachl

Christina Bachl

Grades 6-8 Science/ MS Coordinators
avatar for Donny Hansen

Donny Hansen

Technology, Arts & Outdoor Teacher, Frankfurt International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 10:45am CEST

9:45am CEST

Assess to impress: Means of action and expression in the Language and Literature classroom to show student learning
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 12:15pm CEST
Our student body is very diverse, however assessment often still follows the principle of "one size fits all". In this workshop we will explore different methods and experiences for assessing student learning. We will start with a short overview of the means of action and expression in the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and why choice, not only during our lessons but also in assessments, is important for our students. Then we will share best practices and examples and put our thinking into practice by adapting a current assessment.
avatar for Kristina Eckert

Kristina Eckert

German teacher, Munich International School
I teach in the MYP and DP for over ten years now and am still excited about the level of creativity that the IB program offers. As Steering Initiative Leader for Implementing Universal Design for Learning at my school my focus at the moment is on providing successful learning environments... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 12:15pm CEST

9:45am CEST

Grade 6: behind the scene for the successful transition into MYP
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 12:15pm CEST
This will be split into two presentations:

Session 1 (9:45-10:45)
Jennifer Fueckel and Hyunji Son will present from a Bonn International School context:
Based on collaboration and co-teaching between Learning Support and Science in Grade 6, this session will go through our successes integrating Grade 6 students into “secondary”, as they navigate new challenges such as: MYP rubrics, new technologies (ipads and apps), unfamiliar secondary class routines and study skills. We will talk about this in two stages: the initial “transition stage”, and the later “academic learning stage”.
In the initial 'Transition' stage, we focus on acclimating students to the unfamiliar, finding ways to make MYP rubrics and assessments not so overwhelming to students, guiding through new technologies, and class routines. We use different Co-teaching models and provide scaffolds for their first steps into a more complex academic environment, in discussion across all grade 6 teachers in the school to achieve common language (using PEEL paragraphs, 3-close reads… etc across all subjects).
The subsequent 'academic learning' stage propels Grade 6 forward, refining the transition experience. We will open the session to discussion on what has been successful in your classroom.
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will:
- Navigate Grade 6 transitions seamlessly through practical, stage-specific approaches.
- Establish successful co-teaching strategies with different modules and engaging activities.
- Feel confident in integrating technology to enhance classroom instruction.
- Master the application of MYP science rubrics for effective assessment for Grade 6.
- Implement and maintain consistent class routines for a positive learning environment.
- Equip students with essential study skills through innovative teaching methods.
- Effectively utilize resources such as interactive vocabulary tools and graphic organizers.


Jennifer Fueckel

School teacher, Bonn International School

Amaryllis Schepens

Teacher, Bavarian International School
avatar for Krisandra Livingston

Krisandra Livingston

Teacher, Bavarian International School gAG

Hyunji Son

School teacher, Bonn International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 9:45am - 12:15pm CEST

10:45am CEST

Coffee/Tea Break
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:45am - 11:15am CEST
Saturday September 21, 2024 10:45am - 11:15am CEST

11:15am CEST

ACE: A model for IBDP Inclusion
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
What challenges do IBDP students face when it comes to accessing the curriculum? Do they feel supported in the pursuit of their individual academic goals?

At BBIS, our Grade 11 and 12 academic support model, known to students as the 'Academic Center for Excellence', was born from our efforts to reflect on these questions.

The ACE programme gives all Grade 11 and 12 students access to:
- One-on-one academic coaching with subject and inclusion specialists
- Workshops designed to help students fill skills gaps
- A growing collection of resources
- Leadership opportunities (student-led study groups)
- Enhanced teaching and learning through co-teaching.

We connected with educators from around the world, including the AGIS community, in the design and implementation of the ACE programme. We think AGIS is the perfect place to share what we have learned along the way— successes, lessons learned, and ongoing refinements.
avatar for Mandy Watson

Mandy Watson

Secondary Inclusion Specialist, Berlin Brandenburg International School
Please talk to me about learning and teaching, neuroscience competition for students and parkrun!

Juliet Buckler

Secondary EAL & LS Coordinator (9-12), Berlin Brandenburg International School

Kasia Szurmiak

Secondary School Teacher & Learning Support Coordinator (Grade 11 - 12), BBIS
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

AI Storytelling for Language Teachers
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
The art of storytelling can be a powerful tool for teaching and learning languages through AI. This conference aims to provide practical online activities teachers can use in their classrooms to captivate and immerse their audience while teaching any language. From elementary to the new DP language B and the Ab Initio program, participants will learn how to use compelling storytelling techniques in their language lessons by exploring the various available AI online tools.
avatar for Víctor González

Víctor González

Spanish Teacher, International School of Bremen
As a language teacher at ISB and author partnered with Cambridge University Press, Pearson, and Kognity, my aim is to assist and support fellow educators. I focus on digital media and language learning, subjects I have devoted significant time to exploring. Through workshops and writing... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Approaches to teaching - Digital Society
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
Digital Society is a new course in the IB and the first students in this program will graduate in 2024. This session is intended to highlight what this new course is all about and the exciting learning that the first class and I experienced over the last two years. I will share details of the curriculum, the highlights we experienced, and the challenges we faced. I will have a social robot to show you, how I use a virtual reality world to enhance the experience, and I will explain the Bitcoin activity that we engaged in.
avatar for Kerri Ater

Kerri Ater

Teacher, International School of Düsseldorf
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Automaton - A fun way to combine Science, Arts, and Design!
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

An automaton is a mechanical device that generally performs a predetermined action. This hands-on workshop introduces you to how an automaton-making activity can be integrated into your classrooms. This workshop is based on the presenter's experience of running an automaton unit as a design project for Grade 8 students.

The most rewarding part of this session is a hands-on activity where, in small groups, participants will make their automaton using cardboard, cardboard tape, and bamboo sticks. The presenter will provide all the materials.
avatar for Vinu Cyrus

Vinu Cyrus

MYP Design teacher, Dresden International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Emotional Regulation: Calm Tools Boxes in the Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
Learning can be disrupted by students who are overwhelmed by emotions. In this session, we will learn about emotional regulation and then explore how to use calming tools in classrooms to support children to self regulate independently. We will also explore how to implement this in your school, including lesson plans to introduce this tool in classrooms.
avatar for Zoe Andrews

Zoe Andrews

School Counsellor & Mental Health Counsellor, ISH
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Exploring Multilingual Strategies: Translanguaging in Beginner Classes for Foreign Languages
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
In the realm of Foreign and Second language education, the incorporation of translanguaging strategies into beginner classes has emerged as an innovative and effective approach. This session, based on our experience teaching German, dives into the dynamic world of language instruction, exploring how translanguaging can be seamlessly integrated into foreign and second language beginner classes to enhance the learning experience.

Olga Turchinovich

Language Teacher, International School of Düsseldorf

Maria Rüggeberg

Language Teacher, ISD
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Multimedia Journalism: How to create a student-led course and an online news publication
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
We will present how we created a Multimedia Journalism class in our Middle and Senior School.

It is a course for students interested in developing real life journalism skills and publishing for an authentic audience. Whilst all students will learn basic journalism skills like interviewing, news writing, and media ethics, the course is student-led, with opportunities to pursue areas of interest, including multimedia elements (podcasting, video stories, photo stories, and print).

Students publish their content in the school’s online student news publication. They are the leadership team responsible for creating, updating, and editing the newspaper’s website and print edition. Through this, they will develop 21st century career skills, for example using industry-standard software like Adobe Audition, Photoshop, and Rush.

The course is a student-led workshop, where students self-direct their learning and can follow their own projects, interests and passions. They are assessed using a student-created portfolio in a teacher conference.

This presentation covers topics ranging from journalism, writing, and creating a student-led curriculum with real-life connections.
avatar for Tanja Connemann

Tanja Connemann

Multilingual Learning Coordinator, German Teacher, Journalism Teacher, Munich International School
avatar for Kristi Tousignant

Kristi Tousignant

Middle School EAL and Journalism Teacher
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Strokes of Insight
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
I would like to share my expertise gathered over 20+ years of teaching visual arts and DT to primary, elementary, and middle school students. Building a community of passionate teachers who are interested in visual arts and its integration as well as an exchange of ideas is the main reason to attend this workshop. We will be sharing expertise on how to design successful stand-alone units in visual arts as well as integrating art into the PYP program and other subjects such as math, music, language development, and storytelling. A full-day workshop will include a practical exploration of materials and the development of units relevant to the curriculum framework being offered in participants’s schools. Within the workshop participants will be given examples of successful/unsuccessful art integration and invited to share their own stories of teaching.
avatar for Maria Ponomaryova-Trebel

Maria Ponomaryova-Trebel

Art Teacher, Frankfurt International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Student-led Recycling - Could it work at your school?
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
Recycling properly is a clear and visual signal to students and families that we care about the planet and are serious about our responsibilities. However, doing it properly and diligently can be a challenge. SOLUTION: get students involved! A student-led scheme teaches stewardship, streamlines the Hausmeister's workload, and improves waste management across the school. Come see one success story. Could it work at your school?
avatar for Kyle Shahan

Kyle Shahan

ES Teacher and Sustainability Coordinator, International School of D¨¨usseldorf
Hey fellow educators,I'm interested in making the world better through education, and I especially like the word Changemaker. 'Makers' are people who look closely, seek to understand how things work, and like to tinker, repair, and rebuild. With this in mind, Changemaking means changing... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

The Power of Number Talks
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
In ""The Power of Number Talks,"" participants will explore the transformative potential of number talks in Mathematics instruction. Number talks are brief, purposeful discussions around mental math strategies to build students' number sense and fluency. This session will delve into the theoretical underpinnings of number talks, showcasing their effectiveness in fostering mathematical reasoning, communication, and problem-solving skills among students of all ages.

During the session, attendees will engage in hands-on activities designed to illustrate various types of number talks and their applicability across grade levels and mathematical concepts. We will examine how number talks can be seamlessly integrated into daily instructional routines, offering opportunities for differentiated instruction and promoting a growth mindset in mathematics.

Furthermore, the session will address common misconceptions and challenges associated with implementing number talks in the classroom and provide practical strategies for overcoming them. Participants will gain insights into facilitating meaningful mathematical discourse, fostering a collaborative learning environment, and assessing student understanding through number talks.

Kim Dawson

Learning Support/PYP Maths Coordinator, Dresden International School
avatar for Andrea Bodinus

Andrea Bodinus

PYP Classroom Teacher, Works Council, Dresden International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

The Role of Learning Assistants (LAs) in an International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
In this session, we will delve into the unique experiences and responsibilities of being an assistant in an international school. Throughout the session, attendees will gain valuable insights of the daily tasks, challenges, and rewards associated with supporting the diverse needs of students in an international educational setting.

We will explore the various roles and responsibilities that LAs undertake, including assisting teachers in classroom activities, providing one-on-one support to students, facilitating small group learning sessions, and promoting inclusivity and diversity within the school community. Additionally, we will discuss the skills, qualities, and qualifications that are essential for success in this role, as well as opportunities for professional development and career advancement.

Whether you are currently working as an assistant in an international school, considering a career in education, or simply curious about the role of LAs, this session offers valuable insights and perspectives to enhance your understanding of this important aspect of the educational landscape. Join us as we explore what it means to be an assistant in an international school and the vital role that LAs play in supporting student learning and growth.
avatar for Olga Frolova

Olga Frolova

Primary Learning Assistant, Berlin Brandenburg International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Tips on how to utilise Magic School features at your school
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
The workshop will introduce Magic School - a teacher-oriented AI platform - by giving teachers an overview of how some of the key features work. Specific examples of how some of the features can be integrated into a teacher workflow will also be presented and teachers will be given time to experiment with Magic School on their own.

Dave Donlon

German Teacher
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Where are all those infinitely many prime numbers? Exploring Mathematics through a TOK lens
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
This interactive session explores the nature of mathematical knowledge arising from the DP TOK
course. By critically questioning the creation and justification of mathematical knowledge, we can
empower students to grasp the unique nature of mathematical truth itself. Prepare to share your
insights and get inspired by a list of knowledge questions our students came up with to spark further discussion.
avatar for Dr. Csaba Magyar

Dr. Csaba Magyar

Secondary School Head of Math, Berlin Brandenburg International School

Dr, Tatiana Uspenskaia

Secondary Mathematics, Berlin-Brandenburg International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

You Be You: DEI practices in the classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
This workshop will present and discuss ways to be more inclusive in the classroom as well as celebrate student's individualities and what makes them special. This will be more practical than theoretical, discussing different activities to include in the primary classroom.
avatar for JoAnna Pegesa

JoAnna Pegesa

Grade 2 Teacher, ISH
I am a Grade Two classroom teacher, passionate about celebrating all students and helping them become global citizens.
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Assess to impress: Means of action and expression in the Language and Literature classroom to show student learning
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
avatar for Kristina Eckert

Kristina Eckert

German teacher, Munich International School
I teach in the MYP and DP for over ten years now and am still excited about the level of creativity that the IB program offers. As Steering Initiative Leader for Implementing Universal Design for Learning at my school my focus at the moment is on providing successful learning environments... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Grade 6: behind the scene for the successful transition into MYP
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST
Homeroom Concept from PYP to MYP
Session 2 (11:15-12:15)

In this session we will focus on the following:
-Homeroom Concept and Community Building 
-Collaborative Planning and Reduced Assessments
-Simplifying Feedback and Enhancing Transparency 

Jennifer Fueckel

School teacher, Bonn International School
avatar for Krisandra Livingston

Krisandra Livingston

Teacher, Bavarian International School gAG

Amaryllis Schepens

Teacher, Bavarian International School

Hyunji Son

School teacher, Bonn International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 12:15pm CEST

11:15am CEST

Teaching English through Improvisational Comedy Games: The English School of Fun
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 2:15pm CEST
Besides being extremely fun, Improv Comedy games reveal (and revel in) the playfulness of the English language and is a rich application of the Communicative Approach to language learning. Improvisational comedy games and role-plays are rooted in cooperative interplay, inventive story-telling, group-mind collaboration, extreme listening, character-work, dialogue development and the willingness to take risks, to accept failure and to connect to our sense of humor. Games commonly played in improv comedy workshops and shows (such as 'Whose Line is it, Anyways?') have been re-tooled to the language learning experience and will focus on grammar points, vocabulary building, politeness and different language skills such as meetings and presentations. Naturally, Comedy Improv techniques will also be introduced, so participants can enjoy the thrill of Applied Improv Theory: in other words, you will laugh and learn at the same time. These exercises are cross-disciplinary, and can be applied to many other subjects as well. This approach will give teachers some fresh options to offer students. This workshop gives credence to the concept that creative play CAN be combined with learning: a true School of Fun. The final hour will be spent 'performing' these games for each other for fun and laughter.

Extra: Brian Kapell has been performing, directing, producing and teaching improv comedy and theater for 39 years and is one of the founders of short-form improv comedy. He is a founding member of the performing groups ComedyShorts, and has built and operated comedy clubs in the USA and Germany. Brian has always applied improvisational exercises into his teaching, including during his 12 years working with deaf communities all over the USA. He currently teaches Secondary Drama, directs school musicals and teaches Sign Language after school at Berlin International School.

Participants will learn a selection of improvisational comedy games that are embedded with a feature of English language learning. Everyone learns the basics of comedy improvisation techniques which will provide the groundwork for collaborative, group-mind storytelling. Teachers will be able to take these games into the classroom to create more interactive, playful English language learning sessions that thrive on creative communication. The laughter will prove that we can bring the fun into the learning process. Participants will experience the funnest language learning lesson ever.
avatar for Brian Kapell

Brian Kapell

Secondary Drama Teacher, Berlin International School
Before teaching Secondary School Drama at Berlin International School, Brian had a long history in professional theater and comedy improvisation performance and production. As a founding member of ComedySportz in 1985, he co-created 'short-form' improvisational comedy format that... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 11:15am - 2:15pm CEST

12:15pm CEST

Saturday September 21, 2024 12:15pm - 1:15pm CEST
Saturday September 21, 2024 12:15pm - 1:15pm CEST
Exhibitor Area

1:15pm CEST

Building a Culture of Revision in MYP and DP Language and Literature
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
It could be argued that revision is writing. This session presents teaching strategies to strengthen students' abilities to “re-see” their writing. I will share strategies such as peer review, reverse outlining, and creative writing activities that help build a culture of revision in the MYP and DP classroom.
avatar for Dan Shiffman

Dan Shiffman

Secondary English Teacher, International School of Hamburg
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Creative Poetry Writing
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
In this workshop I will present how to guide students from grades 6 through 12 on an exciting journey into the world of creative poetry writing. I will give examples of engaging activities and interactive discussions that will help students learn to harness their imagination, explore various poetic forms, and express themselves through the power of language. This workshop is designed to inspire budding poets, ignite their passion for writing, and cultivate their unique voices. By delving into the essence of poetry, dissecting its forms, and encouraging experimentation, students will not only develop essential literary skills but also foster creativity, critical thinking, and self-confidence. Through peer collaboration and supportive guidance, participants will have the opportunity to explore diverse themes, perspectives, and emotions, enriching their understanding of themselves and the world around them. Ultimately, this workshop aims to provide teachers with tools to guide students to become confident, articulate, and expressive writers, equipped with the skills and inspiration to continue their poetic journey beyond the classroom.

Amy Delacroix

Language & Literature Teacher, Heidelberg International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Empowering Students: Strategies for Learner-Centered Instruction
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
This interactive session will introduce a range of student-centered instructional strategies designed to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and active learning. Participants will explore approaches such as inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, and cooperative learning, among others, to engage students in constructing knowledge and developing skills in collaborative and meaningful contexts. The session aims to equip educators with practical tools and insights for integrating learner-centered practices into their teaching, enhancing student autonomy, and promoting a deeper understanding of subject matter.
avatar for Margarita Mechkova

Margarita Mechkova

Science Teacher and College Counsellor, Heidelberg International School
I have been teaching Chemistry and Science at IB schools since 2004, starting my journey back in Bulgaria. In 2019, I also took on the role of a college counselor at Heidelberg International School, helping students navigate their way to university. Besides teaching, I enjoy leading... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Exploring Empathetic Leadership
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
The purpose of this workshop is to discuss how we can apply empathetic leadership to our behaviours in the classroom and in the meeting room. During this session we will reflect on our dominant leadership characteristics and consider whether these have changed over time, mapping our leadership journey. We will consider whether there is a tension between the characteristics of influence/vision and compassion/collaboration and, if so, how to navigate this. We will discuss what empathy looks like and the ways in which leaders can use empathy for self, others and situations to inform action. We will also reflect on how our biases can affect our leadership decision making.

Nick Wragg

Primary School Principal, Metrpolitan School Frankfurt
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

How can visible thinking help guide learning in Project Based Learning?
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
This workshop equips educators with visible thinking routines and practical strategies to create an environment where students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas. Teachers will join on a picture of practice and hands-on activities to use thinking routines within project based learning. By using visible thinking routines, teachers can identify and address misconceptions, questions and reflections that lead to a deeper understanding of the content being studied.
avatar for Andressa Aun

Andressa Aun

Primary Teacher
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

How to use EdTeach and AI to your advantage as a primary teacher
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
With all these new EdTechapps and AI tools looming around, it can often feel overwhelming to integrate them in a meaningful manner or know what’s out there. In this workshop, we will talk about some great EdTech platforms and how to utilize AI for your classroom -for lower to upper primary. Feel free to share examples of your best practices in or just be an curious mind during this session.
avatar for Josephine Ng
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Learning Lab 5: Turning the Learning Over to the Students
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
We have been exploring ways to imbed more agency in our Grade 5 classes at Bavarian International School. We will share some of the key elements that we've discovered that have successfully led to more agency and personalised learning in our classrooms. Participants will leave with a greater understanding of these key elements that put students in charge of their learning, help them to develop independence, self-management skills and how to use ATLs as part of weekly goal setting.

- Learning about personalised learning time to discuss plan possible models
- Consult with others about what has been effective in other schools as well as our own
- Coordinate with colleagues and peers about facilitating greater student ownership
avatar for Kimberly House

Kimberly House

Teacher, Bavarian International School
I'm the EdTech Integrator at the Bavarian International School in Munich, Germany. I primarily work with primary school (PreK to Grade 6). I'm passionate about documenting learning using technology. I am also very interested in the changing notion of 'school' and working with teachers... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Mental Health In The Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
In recognition of the critical role teachers play in fostering a positive learning environment, this workshop aims to equip teaching staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to support students' mental health, creating an atmosphere for optimal learning and development. The starting point is ourselves. By making sure we are teaching with good mental health we can influence our students. Tips will be given to ensure work life balance and stress relief.

This workshop will educate teaching staff about the prevalence of mental health issues among students and the impact on academic performance. It will allow for educators to recognise early signs of mental health challenges in students and respond effectively. By doing this, they can cultivate a deeper understanding of the emotional needs of students, promoting a compassionate and empathetic approach to teaching. Practitioners will leave this session with practical tools and strategies to create a supportive classroom environment that enhances students' mental well-being and tools to ensure their own mental health. The workshop will include interactive sessions, case studies and role-playing exercises to engage participants actively.

Amy-Jayne Rowe

Secondary Psychology Teacher
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Promoting Student Agency Through Elective Classes in the Primary Grades
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
This class will help teachers set up a series of Elective classes to allow for the students to have an opportunity to explore areas of learning that they are interested in and/or the school day typically does not provide. Through the implementation of weekly Elective classes, students have agency, engage in activities that they might not otherwise have a chance to do, or do things that they enjoy doing and can show others. This course will help teachers set up Elective rotations, explore ideas for electives, and allow for a chance to create one’s own Elective program.
avatar for Marsha Lenz

Marsha Lenz

Grade 1 Teacher, ISH
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Sharing Best Practises for Data Privacy in German International Schools
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
Over 5 years into the GDPR and through the course of a pandemic, GDPR compliance programs in German international schools have matured, and yet adhering to the principles of the GDPR still remains a daily challenge for most schools given an ever-changing landscape of technical possibilities in the EdTech world (e.g. AI), vendors, and EU/German regulations and court decisions.
This session is designed to share best practises in privacy compliance in an English speaking international school in Germany, looking both at the everyday core components of a compliance program as well as how schools can embrace the principle of Privacy by Design in their own values and practises to ensure that our right to data privacy does not have to quash innovation. The session will be in an open forum where participants are invited to share their knowledge, experiences and best practises at their schools.
avatar for Rachel van Maanen

Rachel van Maanen

Data Protection Officer, International School of Hamburg
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Sketches School - Bringing creativity back to the classroom!
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
Students at ISD have the opportunity to show their learning in many different ways. One is through drawings and sketching. Sketches School is an easy and free App which opens a variety of opportunities to express yourself and be creative. We have found great ways to incorporate this tool into the curriculum and made it a part of several units throughout the school year. Come and join me to see how we use it and then get a chance to try it yourself.
avatar for Muna Kashkari

Muna Kashkari

Elementary School Technology Integration Teacher, International School of Düsseldorf
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Student Choice in their Summative Assessments
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
Ever wondered why it has become common practice to differentiate based on students abilities and knowledge in classroom tasks and activities but at the end of their unit, students are still asked to write the same assessment? Do you want to change that and start differentiation in your summative tasks, too?
In this course, we will talk about a number of ways students can choose between summative options and still have the chance to show what they have learned throughout the unit.
We will use part of the time for you to brainstorm and share ideas on how you can adapt some of the suggestions for your own practices. If you have already taken the step to give summative options and want to share those ideas with your colleagues, or you want to learn different ideas, this session is for you.
Our examples stem from my German MY Language and Literature and Language Acquisition classes.
avatar for Roswitha Mehne

Roswitha Mehne

MYP Language & Literature Teacher, Intl School Stuttgart eV
avatar for Katrin Guderian

Katrin Guderian

MYP/DP Language & Literature / MYP Language Acquis, Intl School Stuttgart eV
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Talk For Writing - An Inclusive and Transformational Approach to Literacy Learning
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
Based on the literacy framework designed by Pie Corbett, this session aims to inform and equip educators with the knowledge and skills to implement the celebrated Talk For Writing approach in their own settings.
The Talk for Writing method enables children to read and write independently for a variety of audiences and purposes within different subjects. A key feature is that children internalise the language structures needed to write through memorisation and ‘talking the text’, using drama and visual cues. The approach moves from dependence towards independence, with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop the ability in children to write creatively and powerfully.
This session will guide educators through the three I’s and principles of ‘Talk For Writing’ – Imitation, Innovation and Independent Application, sharing real examples of units of work and outcomes, modelling the different stages and include collaboration and generation of ideas for future units within their own classrooms and schools.
Like the approach itself, this session aims to be interactive, engaging and fun, whilst using data-driven research to highlight how we can propel all types of learners at all stages to be confident, independent and inspired writers.

Siobhan Croft

Primary Teacher, Leipzig International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Teaching Musical Literacy - A Sound to Symbol Approach
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
In this session, I aim to share and discuss activities to foster students' internalisation of musical literacy elements encompassing reading, writing, and performance aspects of music. We will explore effective strategies for crafting a new learning goal, investigate methods to reinforce these objectives through kinesthetic and visual activities, and then introduce notation elements. While the primary focus is on strategies applicable to primary education, these approaches can be seamlessly adapted for secondary education or choir practice. This session caters to music and choir teachers and extends its relevance to homeroom teachers involved in teaching musical literacy skills.

Rogerio Scheidemantel

Performing Arts Teacher, International School of Bremen
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

The Mosaic Approach: Empowering Early Years Students Their Participation in Research
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
Listening to the very young: the Mosaic approach.

The Mosaic approach, developed by Alison Clark and Peter Moss for use with young children in early years settings, brings together a wide range of methods and tools, which can be used in combination to gain an understanding of children’s views and experiences of their environments. It recognises that some tools will be more suitable to use with individual children than others but assumes that all children’s views and experiences are valuable. Examples of tools used within this approach include observation, interviews and child-led tours of their environment. Taking pictures and creating maps often involve children in a lot of talking and these activities are as much about a ‘vehicle for listening’ as they are about an end result. Children are in charge of the tours and are also in charge of reviewing the images they capture, deciding which ones to display and share with others. The advantages of this approach include building children’s skills and confidence, as well as giving adults insight into children’s perspectives, while the challenges include interpreting and representing the varied data gathered.
avatar for Sarah Burnham-Slipper

Sarah Burnham-Slipper

Early Years Curriculum Lead, ISD
I have a British passport but spent all my own childhood in International Schools all around the world so find it hard to call myself just British! I moved to Düsseldorf Germany with my family in 2017 and prior to that I lived in Nottingham UK. I am a Forest School Leader and an... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Teaching English through Improvisational Comedy Games: The English School of Fun
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST
Besides being extremely fun, Improv Comedy games reveal (and revel in) the playfulness of the English language and is a rich application of the Communicative Approach to language learning. Improvisational comedy games and role-plays are rooted in cooperative interplay, inventive story-telling, group-mind collaboration, extreme listening, character-work, dialogue development and the willingness to take risks, to accept failure and to connect to our sense of humor. Games commonly played in improv comedy workshops and shows (such as 'Whose Line is it, Anyways?') have been re-tooled to the language learning experience and will focus on grammar points, vocabulary building, politeness and different language skills such as meetings and presentations. Naturally, Comedy Improv techniques will also be introduced, so participants can enjoy the thrill of Applied Improv Theory: in other words, you will laugh and learn at the same time. These exercises are cross-disciplinary, and can be applied to many other subjects as well. This approach will give teachers some fresh options to offer students. This workshop gives credence to the concept that creative play CAN be combined with learning: a true School of Fun. The final hour will be spent 'performing' these games for each other for fun and laughter.

Extra: Brian Kapell has been performing, directing, producing and teaching improv comedy and theater for 39 years and is one of the founders of short-form improv comedy. He is a founding member of the performing groups ComedyShorts, and has built and operated comedy clubs in the USA and Germany. Brian has always applied improvisational exercises into his teaching, including during his 12 years working with deaf communities all over the USA. He currently teaches Secondary Drama, directs school musicals and teaches Sign Language after school at Berlin International School.

Participants will learn a selection of improvisational comedy games that are embedded with a feature of English language learning. Everyone learns the basics of comedy improvisation techniques which will provide the groundwork for collaborative, group-mind storytelling. Teachers will be able to take these games into the classroom to create more interactive, playful English language learning sessions that thrive on creative communication. The laughter will prove that we can bring the fun into the learning process. Participants will experience the funnest language learning lesson ever.
avatar for Brian Kapell

Brian Kapell

Secondary Drama Teacher, Berlin International School
Before teaching Secondary School Drama at Berlin International School, Brian had a long history in professional theater and comedy improvisation performance and production. As a founding member of ComedySportz in 1985, he co-created 'short-form' improvisational comedy format that... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 2:15pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

Personalized Learning: Using Actionable Data to Build a Data Culture
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm CEST
Join us for “Personalized Learning: Using Actionable Data to Build a Data Culture,” a condensed 2-hour workshop designed to empower educators with essential skills in data literacy and effective data visualization. Led by experts from Frankfurt International School, this session will provide participants with practical insights into using Google Workspace tools to create meaningful visualizations and dashboards that enhance personalized learning.

The workshop will cover key components of building a data culture within educational settings, including understanding the basics of data literacy, creating clear visual representations of student achievements, and designing interactive dashboards for real-time insights. Participants will learn how to integrate data seamlessly into their teaching strategies, fostering a school-wide culture that values data-informed decision-making.

Attendees will leave with the confidence to interpret diverse data sources, craft intuitive visualizations, and implement dynamic dashboards that provide actionable insights into their classrooms. This session aims to transform data from a daunting challenge into an invaluable ally in personalized learning and teaching strategies, equipping educators to become champions of data-driven education.

Workshop Outcomes:

Attendees will gain:

    •    Insights into data literacy for informed educational decision-making.
    •    Strategies for fostering a data culture within schools.
    •    Skills in creating effective data visualizations to communicate student progress.
    •    Proficiency in designing interactive dashboards using Google Workspace tools.

Participants will be inspired to embrace data-informed practices that enhance personalized learning and teaching strategies in their schools.

avatar for James Stark

James Stark

ES Technology and Innovation Coordinator, Frankfurt International School
Here is my bio according to ChatGPT:Jamie Stark, an exceptional individual with a wealth of expertise, serves as the ES ICT Coordinator at Frankfurt International School. Simultaneously pursuing a Doctoral degree in Education (EdD) from Bristol, Jamie's dedication to academic growth... Read More →

Dr Jean-Marie Kahn

Principal Elementary School
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 3:30pm CEST

1:15pm CEST

MSUS Principal Round Table
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 5:00pm CEST
Join our Middle and Upper School Principal Round table to share your experience and insights to support your fellow Principals. Please feel free to add agenda items for discussion to this Google Doc.
avatar for Lee Rawlinson

Lee Rawlinson

Middle and Upper School Principal, International School of Ulm/Neu Ulm
This is my tenth year as Middle and Upper School Principal at ISU. I'm looking forward to collaborating with the great AGIS team. I'm interested in integrating AI, leadership, teaching science and technology.
Saturday September 21, 2024 1:15pm - 5:00pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Programme Development Planning – Impacting the Learning
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

Pascal Ashkar

Senior IB World School Manager, International Baccalaureate Organization
With a deep passion for IB education, my IB journey began in 1997. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of serving in various roles across different countries, allowing me to gain a broad perspective on IB practices. From 2012 to 2021, I served as the head of international schools... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

A picture is worth a thousand words - enhance student agency and inspire writing through the use of visuals and moving images
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
In our multimodal world visuals and moving images have become an increasingly popular means of communication to express ideas and convey emotions. It is our task as teachers to support our students in building a sound visual literacy that enables them to evaluate images and make meaning of them.

Images are a wonderful tool to inspire students to write not only because they activate prior knowledge but nurture students’ imagination to create their own stories. We will be looking at paintings, photos, films, and wordless books and find out how decoding and analysing their visuals work best. The three following questions will steer our workshop: How am I going to embed visuals meaningfully in my classroom? How can my students be supported in making meaning of images by not only asking them to describe what they see? And how can I sparkle their imagination in order to support them grow as independent writers by producing narratives, biographies, as well as non-fiction texts? “Stepping into the picture and going on an inquisitive journey” as well as “leading a dialogue with the characters depicted in the visuals” are only but a few strategies to mention that support students in analysing pictures.
avatar for Elizabeth Feldt

Elizabeth Feldt

Primary Teacher, Bonn International School
avatar for Zoe Grigoriadou

Zoe Grigoriadou

School teacher, Bonn International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Behavioural Disorders in International Schools- in Extremis: Case Scenarios, Wraparound Support and Lessons from Forensic Psychology for Adolescents (Child Protection Aspect for Schools )
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
This one-hour session will focus on the recently increased psycho-social phenomenon, in many schools, of students' behavioural manifestations that can represent in extremis ( Psychology Term meaning in extreme cases)

Causes: UNESCO and other international entities have spoken of a severe loss of social skills brought upon our higher Elementary and Secondary students (especially in Grades 6-8 and 9 -10) after the pandemic.
This loss has been measured to be appr. 6 months to 1 year below the normal developmental threshold.
Additionally social media, dark web and unregulated use of AI and media has added to the mental health pandemic.

Solutions: To address this issue in order to holistically support students, educators of AGIS schools can upskill themselves in the following:

-Learn what are EBD -Emotional and Behavioural Disorders and their Categories
-Recognise the Manifestations in Schools: Case scenarios
-Be aware of the Negative prognosis Forensic Adolescent Psychology lessons -Research) if these cases are left unattended
-Child Protection aspect of Support
-Physical Restraints (through a Humanitarian and Proportionate Child Protection lens) Guidelines
-Build a Support system which involves all Stakeholders (Students, Family, Therapists, Teachers, SLT teams and two (2) local youth authorities)
avatar for Eleni Armaou

Eleni Armaou

Additional Learning Needs Coordinator, Metropolitan School Frankfurt
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Creating a Culture of Multilingualism: Translanguaging and The Role of Home Languages
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
In this session participants will learn about the ways to support and welcome multilingualism in classrooms of all ages (Grade 1 to12).  We will share good practises of developing individual home languages in the classroom and ways how BBIS has embedded Home Language Studies in the curriculum. We will explore benefits of the Home Language Program for students' learning and identity. In the Q&A session, we will explore different ways of how Home Language Studies could be supported and developed in different schools and settings.
avatar for Kirsten Lund Bruning

Kirsten Lund Bruning

Teacher of German, SEC Home Language Coordinator, Berlin Brandenburg International School
avatar for Yulia Akhmetova

Yulia Akhmetova

Primary German Teacher/Primary Home Languages Coordinator, Berlin Brandenburg International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Debate in the Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
This workshop is designed to equip educators with a comprehensive toolkit for integrating debate into the classroom, fostering a continuum of critical thinking and communication skills from primary years through to the Diploma Program (DP) level.

Learn how to teach students the art of structuring arguments, supporting points with evidence, and mastering the skills of listening, rebutting, and comparing. Our session aims to gamify these fundamental skills, making debate not only a competitive but also an engaging activity for students less inclined towards traditional academic pursuits like writing.

In light of evolving educational demands and the advent of AI, our program also addresses the shift towards oral assessments, offering a structured, clear method for evaluating student performance. Whether you aim to initiate a debate program or enhance an existing one, this session will provide valuable insights into creating a pipeline that nurtures students' abilities to think critically, argue effectively, and engage constructively from an early age.

Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Ethical AI assisted learning via “Mizou” for the educator and the student
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
"Ethical AI in the Classroom," is aimed at educators interested in ethically incorporating artificial intelligence into their teaching practices. It offers a deep dive into the AI tool “Mizou” for enhancing educational experiences. We will discuss how AI can support innovative teaching methods and enrich student learning, emphasizing its role as a complement to traditional educational tools. The session also addresses the challenges associated with AI, including unethical uses, and offers guidance and resources on fostering responsible AI usage among students. Participants will learn strategies for integrating “Mizou” in ways that support learning objectives and student engagement, preparing them for a future where technology and education intersect.

Susie Rooda Lee

Secondary Teacher, International School of Hannover Region
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

How to avoid or limit conflict and the escalation of issues outside the classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
The session is an interactive workshop, using role play, that focusses on areas for which teachers and Middle Level Leaders (MLL) usually have had no training. We will look at real-life scenarios in a humorous but solution- orientated way.

The focus of the session will be to support teachers and MLL's in dealing with the demands of communicating in difficult situations:

How to communicate effectively and professionally with demanding or difficult parents (challenging your teaching methods, reporting, grading, dealings with their student, unfair treatment etc)?
How to deal with the potentially difficult parent teacher meeting?
When to write and when to speak?
As an Assistant Principal, who was formerly a teacher of Drama, I hope to join experiences in these roles and facilitate an enjoyable and informative workshop.

Mark Palfrey

Assistant Principal Senior School
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Inquiry boxes in MYP science
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
Hands-on activities and inquiry pedagogy are the two pillars of teaching science.
During this session, two MYP science teachers will present inquiry boxes used in
various units of our science curriculum. The participants will get to act as students
and will inquire with the materials provided. The participants will reflect on where
this kind of pedagogical approach can fit in the lesson sequence of a unit.
avatar for Céline Sailly

Céline Sailly

Teacher, Bavarian International School
I'm a MYP science teacher. I'm really passionate with the subject and love to share this passion with my students.In my current school, I'm the head of the science department. In this challenging position, I'm thankful to collaborate with amazing teachers and work together to get... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Journaling in Grade 1
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
In this session I will introduce how a structured daily journaling approach can ignite a passion for writing in students, making them eager to express their thoughts on paper. I'll delve into how the Science of Reading can be seamlessly integrated into this journaling method, enhancing literacy skills while fostering a love for writing.

Additionally, I'll share ideas for special events that involve families, turning writing into a community celebration. Although this approach is particularly effective in the early years, it can be adapted for any grade level. By the end of the session, you'll leave equipped with practical tools to encourage independent writing in your classroom, along with a sample journal to implement immediately.

avatar for Sherri Cervantes

Sherri Cervantes

Primary Classroom Teacher, Heidelberg International School
With 17 years of experience in youth development and 7 years dedicated to teaching primary years, I bring a wealth of knowledge and passion to my classroom. My teaching journey has taken me across the globe, from the United States to Germany, where I’ve had the privilege of experiencing... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Master's Degree with a Full-Time Teaching Postion
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
My passion for education and a desire for professional growth has led me to pursue a Master's in education. For the last four years, I juggled teaching full-time, balancing personal interests and family demands.

My session is set to explore efficient time management techniques, the choice of adaptable study programs, utilizing support from employers, and preserving personal well-being despite challenging timetables.

In my presentation, I aim to address the unique challenges I faced as I worked to enhance my teaching qualifications and provide an inclusive learning environment for my students. It will explore effective time management techniques, how to utilize employer support, and the importance of self-care throughout the process.

By equipping teachers with the knowledge and tools to better fulfill their learning and teaching responsibilities, I hope my presentation can help guide and motivate fellow educators to propel their professional and personal growth in completing a Master's in education program.

avatar for Tesha Harry

Tesha Harry

MYP PE Teacher, Dresden International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Planning and resourcing made easy with English and maths menus! Learning and student excitement guaranteed!
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
Using English and maths menus, paired with a clear classroom system for completing and revising work has increased independence and excitement about my students’ own learning. I will share how I organise my English and maths week and how it made my planning, resourcing so much easier (and fun!) and how I was able to increase my time on child during each lesson. Every school setting is different, so I will give you several ways of implementing a system that will work for your and meet your school’s demands. Most ideas are based on the course by “Math with Ms Matherson” whose permission I have to share her approach and system.
avatar for Ulrike Metzler

Ulrike Metzler

Primary Teacher, Leipzig International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Strength Based Model of implementation for embracing cognitive, social and emotional diversities
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
This session will demonstrate how Student Support Team at Berlin Metropolitan School operationalizes the strength based model, composed of four components: theory of multiple intelligence, positive psychology, positive psychiatry and vectors of development based on the Stanford Neurodiversity Project (Fung, 2023) as a model applied in educational settings.
avatar for Aristea Mastoraki

Aristea Mastoraki

Head of Student Support - Secondary School, Berlin Metropolitan School gGmbH
I have lived all my life outside of my passport country and have graduated myself from an international school as well. I have started my career as an IB psychology teacher and slowly after more studies and my licensure, I have started working as a counsellor and in student support.I... Read More →
avatar for Natascha Dorow

Natascha Dorow

Sec. School Counselor / Child Protection Officer
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Third Culture Kids (TCKs) and how to support them in the classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
Who/What are Third Culture Kids (TCKs) and how can I support them in the classroom?
This session will provide an introduction to TCKs; their evolving identities, experiences and what it means to affirm them as individuals. Stories from TCKs will support our understanding of what it means for individuals who have experienced multiple transitions to feel a sense of belonging. Examples of identity-centered questions that TCKs find challenging to answer will be shared.

Ways educators can support TCKs in the classroom will be explored. We will look at how language informs our thinking and understanding of TCKs and their ways of knowing, understanding and making sense of the world.

Sarah Weir

Primary Substitute teacher, Berlin International School
I am a Canadian living in Berlin with 20+ years of experience of teaching within the PYP/IBO program. I work at Berlin International School as a primary teacher, teaching grades 1-5 in homeroom subjects: literacy (both English and German) maths, social studies, sciences, and PSEL... Read More →

Laurel Caster

Grade 4 teacher
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Tune In to Success: Mastering Listening Exam Skills in the DP Language B Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
Struggling to find listening materials to prepare students for the Paper 1 listening exam? Come join us!

This session will support DP Language Ab initio & Language B teachers to develop their own listening assessment materials that are specifically tailored to the DP Paper 1 Listening exams (any Language B such as French, Spanish, Mandarin, English, German etc).

Here's a brief outline of the session:
  • An overview of the Paper 1 listening component, its structure and question types
  • Discussion of listening resources & platforms 
  • Hands-on activity: Participants to choose short audio file (I'd provide several) and create specific exam-type questions.

Participants will need to bring headphones.

Hope to see you there!


avatar for Conny Brock

Conny Brock

MYP/DP German teacher, Dresden International School
Hello everyone! I joined Dresden International School last August after several years of teaching internationally abroad - in Colombia, the US and the UK. I have been involved in producing MYP and DP assessments, co-authored a DP German B textbook ('Deutsch im Einsatz'), lead German... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Unpacking Internal Assessment (Updated Syllabus) - DP Business Management
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
With the changes in the assessment, this session will help in breaking down internal assessment criteria for DP Business Management, which is crucial for both students and teachers. This workshop will provide a clear understanding of the particular requirements, criteria, and expectations associated with each assessment. This clarity is indispensable for producing top-notch work that adheres to the assessment criteria. Simultaneously, educators can employ this process to confirm that students grasp the assessment rubrics, objectives, and criteria, facilitating more effective guidance.

Anjali Gupta

Secondary Teacher of Individuals and Societies
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

VR in the Class
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
VR in the Classroom will be an hour long introduction to integrating ClassVR in your classroom. Get some hands on experience with using VR and brainstorm ideas of how this technology might spark learning in your classroom. Come and see what VR is all about.
avatar for Jana Poukka

Jana Poukka

ES Technology Integration and Data Privacy, International School of Düsseldorf
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

MSUS Principal Round Table
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
avatar for Lee Rawlinson

Lee Rawlinson

Middle and Upper School Principal, International School of Ulm/Neu Ulm
This is my tenth year as Middle and Upper School Principal at ISU. I'm looking forward to collaborating with the great AGIS team. I'm interested in integrating AI, leadership, teaching science and technology.
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

2:30pm CEST

Personalized Learning: Using Actionable Data to Build a Data Culture
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

Dr Jean-Marie Kahn

Principal Elementary School
avatar for James Stark

James Stark

ES Technology and Innovation Coordinator, Frankfurt International School
Here is my bio according to ChatGPT:Jamie Stark, an exceptional individual with a wealth of expertise, serves as the ES ICT Coordinator at Frankfurt International School. Simultaneously pursuing a Doctoral degree in Education (EdD) from Bristol, Jamie's dedication to academic growth... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST

3:30pm CEST

Coffee/Tea Break
Saturday September 21, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST
Saturday September 21, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Best practices for teaching and assessing in Language B
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
The Language B course in the Diploma Programme allows for a broad scope of potential
approaches in terms of course design, learning experiences and assessment, with no single best practice as such. The presenters of this workshop have spent numerous hours discussing how to structure and teach the course, and they have identified certain strategies that they believe are integral to an effective Language B course. The aim of this workshop is to share these “best practices” with participants, along with the thought processes that went into identifying them. These are of course suggestions only, and we are keen to hear interesting ideas that have worked well for others, so participants are encouraged to bring their own resources and suggestions along to share.
avatar for Matthew Lane

Matthew Lane

Academic Learning Leader - Language B, Leipzig International School
I teach EAL, English Language B and TOK at Leipzig International School. I am the Academic Learning Leader for Language B in the secondary school which encompasses EAL, GAL, French and Spanish. I am also the EAL coordinator across the primary and secondary schools.

Lindsay Raggett

Secondary EAL/English Teacher, Leipzig International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Difficult Conversations: Talking about race in the early years
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
There is a common narrative among adults that young children do not see color, that childhood is a utopian, magical time where differences do not matter. Educators often wonder: when is the right time to talk to children about race? Research tells us that even babies as young as three months recognise racial differences. Our world is filled with implicit messages. Children are astute, forming perceptions and attitudes about how the world works. They are already talking! Our silence perpetuates and validates biases. It is time to join the conversation. Open, honest conversations with our youngest learners is one way that we can help develop positive attitudes towards differences and work towards an equitable and just world. During this session, we will explore the research behind children's perceptions of race, have a chance to examine our personal reactions to children's comments and questions about differences, and look at a framework that can help us approach difficult conversations.
avatar for Loretta Fernando-Smith

Loretta Fernando-Smith

Associate Principal / PYP Curriculum Leader, Frankfurt International School
Talk to me about the early years.  Using the arts to spark communication, connection, thinking, curiosity, joy . . .  Belonging in ethnically, culturally and linguistically diverse settings.  Being a CCK adult and parenting CCKs.
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Engaging reading activities for upper school students
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
Teachers understand the significance of reading books; however, students may not always be enthusiastic to read a novel in class or at home. They might find it challenging or even annoying. how can we make them enjoy reading in class? Giving them fun activities! In this workshop, we will focus on 10 engaging reading acitivities you can implement in your class which will engage your students and help them have a deeper understanding of what they have read.
avatar for Emmanuelle Tessier

Emmanuelle Tessier

MYP/DP Language Acquisition Teacher, Intl School Stuttgart eV
I am originally from La Rochelle, studied in Poitiers and since 1995 I have been teaching my mother tongue to children and adults. I am passionate about my job, I love teaching, and I enjoy bringing conversation out of my students by playing with the language while laughing, reading... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Expressing Mission, Values, and Guiding Statements in the International School Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
Every school has core statements (mission, vision, core values) that are intended to guide our practices and decisions throughout the organisation.

In this workshop participants will explore the connection between the school’s mission and values and the learning environment in the classroom. We will explore questions such as: What difference does it make in my classroom that my school values ___ (for example Global Citizenship and Reflection)? How do I communicate these values in a way that connects with my students? What impact does this have on both curriculum and teaching practices in my classroom?

Micah Powers

Director of Student Learning, Black Forest Academy

Susan Steele

Curriculum Coordinator, Black Forest Academy
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

How to Add Drama to Any Class (Yes, Maths too)
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
Are you looking for new ways to boost student engagement? Have you been searching for tools to reinvigorate your curriculum? Then this session is for YOU. We explore practical ways to add drama to a unit and how to use it as an assessment tool.

As a drama teacher with over 24 years of experience I am passionate about helping others discover the joys of adding theatre to areas where they could never imagine it.

At the end of the session, you will leave with several tools and maybe a few ideas that will inspire you to add a little drama to your classroom.

Stephen Wrobleski

Drama Teacher
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Linking Mathematics and Theory of Knowledge in the IBDP Program
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
Building upon the successful session about the ToK Essay in Mathematics from AGIS 2023, this workshop aims to give teachers of ToK and Mathematics a detailed overview of the Knowledge Framework for Mathematics within the ToK course as well as providing Mathematics teachers in the DP specific opportunities to link their content to the ToK course in a way that fosters deeper understanding of both courses. During the session, participants will complete ToK activities that unpack the scope, methods, perspectives and ethics within the field of mathematics. In addition, specific mathematical activities derived from all 4 DP Mathematics courses will be unpacked and discussed with respect to their links to the ToK course and its assessment.
avatar for Bryan Landmann

Bryan Landmann

Teacher, FIS
I am passionate about integrating internationalism, technology and inquiry into all areas of mathematics education.
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Navigating the Design ePortfollio
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
It is important to understand what high quality eAssessment is in MYP Design through each criteria. Inspired by a recent category three MYP Design workshop (managing assessment), this workshop will cover new approaches to managing assessment in the ePortfolio. We will together develop knowledge and understanding in planning and navigating the Design ePortfolio project to better support students in the project planning process, critera evidence and assessment requirements. Everyone will be able to adapt these approaches to suit their school environment (e.g. varying technology access... etc).
avatar for Sukie Dhillon

Sukie Dhillon

School teacher, Bonn International School
Hello Everybody! I am an MYP Digital Design and Robotics teacher at The Bonn International School (BIS). I have taught MYP Design (Digital Design) and Co-ordinated the Robotics Club at BIS for 3 years, prior to teaching at BIS I taught in the England, UK for 4 years. We have... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Project Zero 101: An Introduction and Overview of PZ Pedagogy
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
What is Project Zero (PZ)? Have you ever heard the words ‘thinking routine’? If you are new to the complexities of these ideas or simply in need of a refresher, then this workshop is for you! Whether you have heard of PZ or not, you’re welcome to join this introductory session.

Emily Veres

School teacher
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Science in the PYP - Preparing for MYP Science
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
I will present about how PYP teachers can help prepare their students for MYP science. "In PYP, science is not a dedicated subject but integrated into the units of inquiry. This can often lead to a difficult transition for students entering the MYP. This session will focus on how to include authentic science inquiry and critical thinking in the PYP.

This session will also be useful for schools that do not use the IB curriculum, as it will focus heavily on best practices for teaching science in general. This includes how to teach students to design a valid experiments.
The session will include using templates and sentence starters for designing and evaluating science experiments. Teachers will get several ideas for experiments that do not require special equipment or training and have a chance to brainstorm what experiments might go well with their units.

David Prochaska

Teacher, Dresden International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) Symposium & Exchange
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
Every school is enthusiastic about STEAM - but what does STEAM actually look like in each school?
Not many people could answer this question. During this session, STEAM Coordinators from the
International School Stuttgart wil present on successful best practice from their own school, and
invite best practice sharing from attendees. The aim of the session is a strong visual image to answer the headline question!
avatar for Matthew Knights

Matthew Knights

PYP Teacher & STEAM Coordinator, International School of Stuttgart e.V.
Interlingual education, class atmosphere, STEAM.

Robin Karnatz

PYP Design Teacher / STEAM Coordinator, International School of Stuttgart
avatar for Timothy Sloman

Timothy Sloman

Subject Coordinator, STEAM and DESIGN, International School Stuttgart
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Sustainable schools: Round table on sustainability
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
This is a chance for the AGIS Sustainable School Working Group, and any other like-minded educators, to come together and discuss sustainability school projects during this one-hour round table session. What projects are taking place at your school? How are students involved? How are other community members involved? Has sustainability become a part of any decision-making when it comes to: purchasing, travel, facilities or other areas outside of the educational side?

This session will give us the opportunity to share ideas and problems we have encountered and give us new ideas on how we can tackle problems to make our schools more sustainable.
avatar for Lisa Roy

Lisa Roy

Primary School Deputy Principal, Berlin Brandenburg International School

Simone Kienle

Secondary Science Teacher, Berlin Brandenburg International School
Hi, I am a science teacher (Biology and ESS DP and Bio Gr10). I am interested in sustainability so that's why I registered for this conference to meet people from other schools interested in setting up programs and activities that support sustainability at school.
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Toddle 2.0 - Giving teachers 10 additional hours every week
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
At Toddle, our Big Hairy Audacious Goal is to give each teacher 10 additional hours every week while helping you elevate your practices. We care deeply, innovate continuously, and go above and beyond in service to empower teaching teams to do their best work.
Join our Regional Sales Head, Andres Redondo, as he talks about our roadmap to make our vision a reality and also learn about some of our new innovations:
  1. Toddle AI 2.0 - a more context-aware and iterative version of Toddle AI
  2. All new UI - designed to make Toddle work better and faster for you
  3. Toddle Worksheets - the next-gen assessment platform built right within Toddle 
  4. Toddle Connect - our communication platform designed to bring your school community together
  5. Behaviour Management System - our all AI-powered module designed to support student well-being in schools
  6. Toddle Insights - visual dashboards to bring alive your school’s data on Toddle
  7. Integrations Ecosystem - a suite of new integrations designed to unlock a truly connected tech ecosystem for schools
  8. DP Library - the largest library of exam-style questions ever built for the IBDP

Andres Redondo

Regional Sales Head, Toddle
Andres has over a decade of experience in PYP and MYP and has worked in International Schools across Europe and Middle East. He is interested in research in education with a primary focus on the student’s perception about creativity. Andres is part of the School Success team at... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

MSUS Principal Round Table
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
avatar for Lee Rawlinson

Lee Rawlinson

Middle and Upper School Principal, International School of Ulm/Neu Ulm
This is my tenth year as Middle and Upper School Principal at ISU. I'm looking forward to collaborating with the great AGIS team. I'm interested in integrating AI, leadership, teaching science and technology.
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

EE coordinators United: "Unlocking Excellence: Empowering Students for Success in their Extended Essays Journey"
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 6:15pm CEST
I am excited to welcome you to our EE Stammtisch! Instead of a formal lecture, this gathering offers a relaxed environment to connect with fellow EE supervisors and coordinators. Together, we will:

- Discuss different approaches schools take to the EE process
- Share insights on overcoming challenges in the EE process
- Explore effective strategies to support our EE students
- Exchange best practices and resources

This is a wonderful opportunity to build a supportive network and establish an AGIS EE working group.
avatar for Conny Brock

Conny Brock

MYP/DP German teacher, Dresden International School
Hello everyone! I joined Dresden International School last August after several years of teaching internationally abroad - in Colombia, the US and the UK. I have been involved in producing MYP and DP assessments, co-authored a DP German B textbook ('Deutsch im Einsatz'), lead German... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 6:15pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Translanguaging, Collaboration and Inclusion: Keys to Personalized Learning
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 6:15pm CEST
In this workshop, we will dive into some of the key components of personalized learning: translanguaging, collaboration, and inclusion. Participants will learn more about translanguaging and see various examples of how it can be effectively implemented. We will learn how wordless media can create powerful, inclusive learning opportunities for all learners. We will also explore ideas for celebrating the diversity of our learners and making multilingualism more visible in school. Participants will have opportunities to collaborate and work on their own personal translanguaging and wordless media projects that they can apply directly to their own school.  We will also investigate how systems and structures can support inclusion and promote collaboration. We will share how our school has changed our educational framework to intensify the collaboration between members of the support team and between teacher teams in order to optimize personalized, inclusive learning.  The goal of this workshop is for participants to feel inspired and prepared to support multilingual learners in their own schools. There will be hands-on activities and opportunities to develop meaningful lessons and plans to use in your own practice. We hope you join us for an interesting and enriching day of learning together!  

What the attendee can expect to come away with: A better understanding of what translanguaging is and how it can be used in practice; Ideas for multilingual approaches to lessons and meaningful learning opportunities; Plans and ideas for ways to implement translanguaging in the attendee’s own school; Tools and a framework for using wordless media to support learning; Inspiration for how to move forward in attendee’s own school in terms of structure and collaboration.
avatar for Natalie Bain

Natalie Bain

ELA Teacher, Frankfurt International School
avatar for Renske Oort

Renske Oort

Learning Support Teacher, Frankfurt International School Wiesbaden
Saturday September 21, 2024 4:00pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

The Impact of Choice: CIS International Accreditation
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
In 2021, CIS introduced the Deep Dive re-accreditation pathway, enabling schools to focus on their strategic priorities by designing projects focused on one of three core areas for development: Learning, Well-being, and Global Citizenship. The initial cohorts of schools re-accredited through this pathway have embraced the opportunity to effect relevant change that impacts their communities in ways that matter.
Join us to discover insights from Deep Dive schools on how this choice and flexibility in international accreditation is transforming their institutions. Additionally, get a sneak peek at how choice and other key principles will shape the new CIS International Accreditation Framework, set to launch next year.

Learning Objectives: 
During this session, participants will:
  • Understand how the Deep Dive re-accreditation pathway has enabled schools to implement meaningful changes in Learning, Well-being, or Global Citizenship.
  • Understand how choice and other key principles underpin the forthcoming redesign of the CIS International Accreditation Framework.
avatar for Mary Powell

Mary Powell

Associate Director – Strategic Initiatives, School Evaluation & Development, Council of International Schools (CIS)
Mary Powell is an Associate Director with a focus on strategic initiatives as part of the CIS School Development & Evaluation leadership team. In this role, she oversees school evaluation, support and improvement in member schools globally. Mary leads strategic projects such as the... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Are you curious? About Theory of Knowledge? TOK is for everyone.
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
Theory of Knowledge is present in every IB school as part of the Diploma Programme. However, it remains something of a mystery subject to many teachers.
It involves concepts, ideas and activities that can be used in all classrooms. It promotes curiosity and inquisitiveness - and don’t we use these in all classes?
It’s about language, creativity, values, power and many other things.
It’s about understanding how knowledge is developed and used, how it is acquired and
Still curious? Come and see what TOK is all about.

Sean Kane

TOK and I&S Teacher, ISH
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Bridging Hearts and Minds: The Art of Teacher-Parent Communication and Collaboration
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
Ever wonder how to best communicate with parents? As I first became a teacher my most frightening part of the job was speaking to parents about their child. Over the years I have learned to build positive pathways of communication and talk so that parents will listen. In this session I will share examples of ways to build positive communication, how to share difficult news, how to get parents involved, and how to actively listen.

Participants will leave with actionable insights, practical tools, and a renewed perspective on nurturing collaborative relationships with parents. Whether you're an educator, administrator, or parent, this session offers valuable takeaways to enhance the home-school connection and contribute to the development of students. Let's come together to bridge hearts and minds for the benefit of our students.
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Bringing Text to Life in the English Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
This session will introduce how to use Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) rehearsal room approaches to teach Shakespeare to secondary school students.

Participating in a session focused on RSC rehearsal room approaches equips English teachers with valuable insights into teaching Shakespeare and introduces strategies that inherently support Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, making the experience more inclusive for all students.

The session guides educators in tailoring their teaching methods to engage diverse learners effectively. By integrating UDL approaches, teachers can customize their instruction to accommodate various learning styles, abilities, and preferences, ensuring that the exploration of Shakespeare becomes a more accessible and enriching experience for every student. This inclusive framework, embedded within RSC rehearsal techniques, empowers educators to create a classroom environment that embraces diversity, promotes equity, and fosters a deeper appreciation for Shakespearean works among all students. Thus, the session allows teachers to enhance their instructional repertoire and cultivate an inclusive and supportive learning atmosphere in the English classroom."
avatar for Flavia Marin-Drews

Flavia Marin-Drews

DP MYP English Teacher, Dresden International School
DP/MYP English and MYP Spanish teacher. In the DP, I teach Language A: English Literature HL and SL. Founder and Coach of the DIS Debating Society.
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Collaborative Literacy Leadership
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
We're hosting a round table discussion to connect with literacy coordinators in both German
and English. Let's come together to share insights, improve how we teach literacy, and
collaborate effectively. This informal session marks the beginning of an ongoing dialogue
focused on refining literacy teaching practices. Join in, share your thoughts, and help shape
the future of literacy coordination in German international schools. Together, we can
strengthen connections for more impactful educational outcome.

Annabelle Kalb

PYP Teacher & German Coordinator, Intl School Stuttgart eV
avatar for Mairim Nsofu

Mairim Nsofu

PYP Teacher & Literacy Coordinator, Intl School Stuttgart eV
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Creating Inviting and Supportive Environments in the Early Years
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
Our learning spaces provide great opportunities to extend learning, develop relationships, and create safe and secure feelings for our youngest learners. How these spaces are created has a big impact on student engagement and interactions. We will be looking at what goes into creating the best environments for our early years (any beyond) spaces.
avatar for Laura Venezia

Laura Venezia

Kindergarten Principal, Leipzig International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

How Positive Discipline is implemented in the elementary and secondary schools at ISD
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
This presentation will go through the steps for how ISD has planned for and implemented Positive Discipline throughout the whole school. This has been a 5 year journey. ISD is currently a lab school. First, we will present an overview. Then, we will do experiential Positive Discipline activities for both elementary and secondary students.
avatar for Chrysanthi Golfinopoulos

Chrysanthi Golfinopoulos

Mental Health & Well-being Counsellor, EAL Teacher and SrS Positive Discipline Coordinator, International School of Düsseldorf
I have been teaching EAL grades 6-10 at the International School of Düsseldorf for the past 10 years.  Moreover, I am the Mental Health & Well-being Counsellor in the senior school. In 2017, I attended a Positive Discipline in the Classroom workshop in Bonn that completely changed... Read More →

Holly Davis

Grade 3 Teacher/ES Positive Discipline Coordinator
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Navigating narratives: Fostering inclusive conversations about war and conflict
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
By focusing on intentional language with an empathetic lens and critical discourse, teachers will be presented with practical tools to guide students through difficult conversations. This session’s goal is to support being able to foster inclusive and reflective discussion in the classroom around war and conflict.

Kasia Szurmiak

Secondary School Teacher & Learning Support Coordinator (Grade 11 - 12), BBIS

Erika Crossley

School Counsellor - Boarding
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Positive Leadership & its impact on the culture of teams
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
Well-being and a positive culture within school teams are vital as they feed into the whole ethos of a school. But what helps develop a positive culture within our school teaching teams? During this session, we would like to share some suggestions and ideas which could help support a positive teaching and working environment. We would also like to hear from attendees about what is working for them and what they have experienced in the past.
avatar for Nicola Ferger-Andrews

Nicola Ferger-Andrews

Lower School Assistant Principal, Intl School Stuttgart eV
IB PYPEarly YearsPastoral / Well being / Social & EmotionalAssistant PrincipalIB / NEASC accreditation visitor
avatar for Merve Korkmaz

Merve Korkmaz

Deputy Assistant Principal / PYP Coordinator, Intl School Stuttgart eV
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Students' Lead in Global Citizenship Education
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
The workshop will explore how students can take an active role in shaping their global citizenship education, fostering a sense of responsibility, empathy, and cultural awareness to also authentically shape school curricula/syllabi. "Global citizenship education is increasingly important in today's interconnected world, emphasizing the development of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that enable individuals to contribute to a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.

1. Student-Led Initiatives: Sharing examples of students leading projects or initiatives related to global citizenship within their school or communities.

2. Effective Teaching Strategies: Discussing teaching strategies that empower students to take ownership of their learning, encouraging critical thinking and active participation in global issues.

3. Cross-Cultural Understanding: Exploring how global citizenship education can promote cross-cultural understanding and collaboration, with students taking the lead in fostering connections with peers from diverse backgrounds.

4. Student agency: Mapping out ways in which students can become advocates for global issues, raising awareness, and taking action on topics such as climate change, social justice, and human rights.

5. Assessment and Evaluation: Sharing possible methods for assessing and evaluating students' development of global citizenship skills, focusing on both academic and practical aspects."
avatar for Elke Greite

Elke Greite

Head of Arts and Design, TOK Coordinator, IB MYP/DP teacher, Dresden International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Supporting your English Language Learners in the Main Classroom
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
Ever wonder how to better support ELL Students as a classroom teacher? In this session a seasoned ELL teacher and class teacher will share valuable tipps and tricks with non-ELL teachers. Prepare for a fun interactive workshop with differentiated examples and a helpful group discussion at the end to share ideas.

Hannah Richardson

Head of Junior School EAL, ISH

Eleanor Parkinson

Early Years Teacher, ISH
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

The AGIS Band - A Leap of Faith
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
Bring an instrument. Bring your voice. Bring your passion. Bring your energy. Then we put them all into a pot with a stone, mix it up, and we have live music entertainment for part of our Saturday night at the AGIS conference! We will choose 8-10 songs to play and perform with a bit of organization, almost no rehearsal, and a whole lot of faith.

Since leaps of faith are constantly part of our school lives, the attitudinal take-away is that it can be inspiring to believe in projects whose success seem improbable or may potentially set people up for failure. Leaps of faith DO rely on strong buy-in from the constituents, sharing a common goal, and trust in the participants' capabilities, knowledge, and experience. So leap with us and let's perform tonight! (There will be no notes, chord charts, or lyrics provided, so devices are extremely useful for knowing what to play or sing even if you don't have all of the world's music memorized).

Criteria for choosing songs include: audience recognition (multi-generational, international), danceability, sing-along-ability, and that somebody can sing lead on the song.
avatar for Brent Lund Bruning

Brent Lund Bruning

Primary Music/AGIS Rep, Berlin Brandenburg International School
- Originally from Illinois and Minnesota, USA- Studied at St. Olaf College, University of Minnesota, Universität Regensburg, Universität Potsdam (German, Music, Linguistics, Education, Life)- Student taught at an international school in northern India and caught the international... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
Kongress Saal (Congress Hall)

5:15pm CEST

The Hero’s Journey: Returning to share your treasure
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
Your life is an epic journey, and you are the hero of the story. Joseph Campbell developed his concept of the “Hero’s Journey” through studies in comparative mythology, finding that cultures around the world have hero stories sharing an underlying story structure. The protagonist receives a call to adventure, faces a series of trials and challenges, learns and perseveres to get a treasure, and finally brings the treasure back home to share. The Hero’s Journey is therefore symbolic of personal development and acquiring special gifts to contribute to society. This workshop uses The Hero’s Journey as a lens to look at our own life journeys, asking how we became ourselves, what trials and challenges we faced, what we learned along the way, why we decided to become educators, and what special “treasures” we can bring to support our students and colleagues. When a hero complete’s their own journey, their role is supporting young people’s agency as they become the heroes on their own life journeys.

Benjamin Gallup

Librarian, International School of Stuttgart
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Understanding the Interplay Between Paper-3 and IA in DP Mathematics
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
In this enlightening session, Dr. Taylan Çeltik, an experienced IB DP Mathematics Moderator and Content Creator, will guide participants through the intriguing relationship between Paper-3 and the Internal Assessment (IA) in DP Mathematics. The focus is on understanding the methodologies and skills essential for tackling Paper-3 questions, and how these skills interplay with the investigative process crucial in the mathematics IA.

Through a unique approach, Dr. Çeltik draws parallels between the structured, yet exploratory nature of Paper-3 and the deep, analytical inquiry required in the IA. This session will highlight the importance of fostering students' explorative abilities beyond linear, narrative approaches in mathematics. Emphasis will be on developing strategies that enable students to engage in critical thinking and creativity, thereby enhancing their performance in both assessments.

Participants will gain insights into effective teaching practices, including how to encourage a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and their real-world applications. This session is not only about mastering the content but also about inspiring a transformative learning experience in mathematics education.
avatar for Taylan Celtik

Taylan Celtik

MYP/DP Mathematics Teacher & Curriculum Leader, International School of Stuttgart
IB-DP Mathematics ModeratorAs an active IB educator, I hold the title of IBDP Mathematics Moderator. My responsibilities include organizing global events for IB concerning DP Mathematics and creating IB-approved materials for both teachers and students. I lead teams and serve as the... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Work Experience in the MYP
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
This session aims to give an overview of the work experience programme at BBIS. We will share how we developed and implemented the programme, with a focus on:
- connections to the MYP such as ATLs, authentic learning experiences
- career and future planning curriculum
- skill-building in preparation for grade 10 and beyond

We hope to create a collaborative learning environment where participants from other schools can share ideas and experiences from their own careers programmes, and we can learn from each other.

Anna Thach

MYP Coordinator, Berlin Brandenburg International School
avatar for Laura Hohm

Laura Hohm

Secondary School Counselor, Berlin Brandenburg International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

EE coordinators United: "Unlocking Excellence: Empowering Students for Success in their Extended Essays Journey"
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
I am excited to welcome you to our EE Stammtisch! Instead of a formal lecture, this gathering offers a relaxed environment to connect with fellow EE supervisors and coordinators. Together, we will:

- Discuss different approaches schools take to the EE process
- Explore effective strategies to support our EE students
- Exchange best practices and resources

This is a wonderful opportunity to build a supportive network and establish an AGIS EE working group.
avatar for Conny Brock

Conny Brock

MYP/DP German teacher, Dresden International School
Hello everyone! I joined Dresden International School last August after several years of teaching internationally abroad - in Colombia, the US and the UK. I have been involved in producing MYP and DP assessments, co-authored a DP German B textbook ('Deutsch im Einsatz'), lead German... Read More →
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

5:15pm CEST

Translanguaging, Collaboration and Inclusion: Keys to Personalized Learning
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST
In this workshop, we will dive into some of the key components of personalized learning: translanguaging, collaboration, and inclusion. Participants will learn more about translanguaging and see various examples of how it can be effectively implemented. We will learn how wordless media can create powerful, inclusive learning opportunities for all learners. We will also explore ideas for celebrating the diversity of our learners and making multilingualism more visible in school. Participants will have opportunities to collaborate and work on their own personal translanguaging and wordless media projects that they can apply directly to their own school.  We will also investigate how systems and structures can support inclusion and promote collaboration. We will share how our school has changed our educational framework to intensify the collaboration between members of the support team and between teacher teams in order to optimize personalized, inclusive learning.  The goal of this workshop is for participants to feel inspired and prepared to support multilingual learners in their own schools. There will be hands-on activities and opportunities to develop meaningful lessons and plans to use in your own practice. We hope you join us for an interesting and enriching day of learning together!  

What the attendee can expect to come away with: A better understanding of what translanguaging is and how it can be used in practice; Ideas for multilingual approaches to lessons and meaningful learning opportunities; Plans and ideas for ways to implement translanguaging in the attendee’s own school; Tools and a framework for using wordless media to support learning; Inspiration for how to move forward in attendee’s own school in terms of structure and collaboration.
avatar for Renske Oort

Renske Oort

Learning Support Teacher, Frankfurt International School Wiesbaden
avatar for Natalie Bain

Natalie Bain

ELA Teacher, Frankfurt International School
Saturday September 21, 2024 5:15pm - 6:15pm CEST

7:30pm CEST

Dinner and Celebration
Saturday September 21, 2024 7:30pm - 11:30pm CEST
Saturday September 21, 2024 7:30pm - 11:30pm CEST
Restaurant and Kongress-Saal

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